The Sound of Music – poster

The Sound of Music

Music by Richard Rodgers. Lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein II. Book by Howard Lindsay and Russell Crouse.

Suggested by “The Trapp Family Singers” by Maria Augusta Trapp

  • Thursday 10th – Saturday 12th November 2022
  • The Civic, Trowbridge

Production team

Phil Courage – Director

Kate Courage – Musical Director

Georgiana Snelling – Choreographer


Maria Rainer Daisy Woodruffe
The Mother Abbess Sarah Easterbrook
Sister Berthe Naomi Ibbetson
Sister Margaretta Frankie Simpkins
Sister Sophia Sarah Davies
Captain von Trapp Iorwerth Mitchell
Liesl Carisma Dolphin
Rolf Noah Heard
Elsa Schraeder Natalia Wieczorek
Max Detweiler Robin Jukes
Franz, the butler Edward Beazley
Frau Schmidt Lorraine Ferguson
Admiral von Schreiber Andrew Curtis
Herr Zeller Tim Knott
Baron and Baroness Elberfeld Pete and Karen Grant
New Postulant, soloist Connie Knight
Children Thursday evening, Saturday matinee Friday and Saturday evening
Friedrich Elijah Brewer Harry Parker
Kurt Rhys Armstrong Zach Green
Louisa Darcey Oswin Poppy Foot
Brigitta Greta Rawson-Courage Lily King
Marta Lily Kelly Poppy Dunford
Gretl Sophie Davies Aurelia Palmer-Hawkins

Nuns, guests and others:
Kirstie Blackwall, Claire Borovac, Wilhelmina Burden, Helen Cosslett, Marie George, Emma Hogg, Abigail Ibbetson, Rachael Ibbetson, Chloë Johnson, Kira Jukes, Valerie Jukes, Maria Matthews, Anna Mazan, Samii Purves, Janet Thompson, Wendy Wenham

Soldiers, guests and others:
Tom Bullock, Andrew Foot, Wayne Kelly, Pete Tapp, Bruce Thompson


MD / Piano Kate Courage
Violin 1 Carmen Tunney
Violin 2 Eric Hanson
Cello David Garcia
Double Bass Nigel Shires
Percussion / kit Tony Stockley
Trumpet Gavin Wells
Horn Mervyn Stephens
Woodwind Emma Rochambeau
Woodwind Berry Diver
Flute, Piccolo Ed Blackwall
Director Phil Courage
Musical Director Kate Courage
Choreographer Georgiana Snelling
Rehearsal Pianists Kate Courage, Julian Clementson
Show Co-ordinator Christina Barnes
Stage Manager Conner Runyeard-Hunt
Backstage Crew Nicky Runyeard-Hunt, Cameron Runyeard-Hunt, Steven Riddle, Luka Smyth, Stewart Langford
Wardrobe Sandra Tucker, Karen Grant, Audrey Phillips, Beryl Baggs, Stella Greaves
Hired costumes Bath Theatrical Costume Hire
Wig Peggy Snook
Set design, construction and painting Phil Courage and members of the society
Properties Bernice Hudson, Phil Courage
Hair and make-up Gracie Groves
Lighting and Sound The Civic Hall, Mark Tucker, Tony Giddings, Harry King
Prompt Lou Knight
Publicity photographs Trevor Porter at Trowbridge Town Hall
Poster design Tim Hobbs
Programme Claire Borovac, photos by Clive James and Claire Borovac
Raffle Janet Cooper
Website Andrew Curtis, Claire Borovac

Trowbridge Musical Theatre would like to acknowledge with thanks:

  • the staff of The Civic, Trowbridge
  • the staff and volunteers of Trowbridge Town Hall
  • Trowbridge Players
  • Bradfordians Dramatic Society
  • all the parents who brought – and collected – their children each rehearsal
  • WH Kemp Electrics Ltd
  • everybody who helped with set, props, publicity, Front of House and everything needed to put on a show

