We have been performing musical shows continually in Trowbridge, Wiltshire, since 1976. We normally produce two shows per year, plus a youth production from time to time.
On stage, behind the scenes, or front of house, we are always keen to welcome new members. If you would like to be involved, watch out for audition details of our next show, and come along! If you can’t wait or have any questions, please get in touch. We’d love to hear from you!
Rehearsals and fees
Rehearsals take place on two evenings per week, usually Tuesdays and either Wednesdays or Thursdays (to be confirmed for each show), plus a one or two Sundays during the run up to each show.
There is a small annual membership fee, which must be paid before auditioning for a principal role. Other fees apply per-show.
A detailed rehearsal schedule and list of fees will be published on the password-protected Cast page for each show, and in the Society’s private Facebook group.