Oklahoma! - poster

Rodgers & Hammerstein’s

Music by Richard Rodgers. Book and lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein II

  • Tuesday 21st – Saturday 25th May 2019
  • The Arc Theatre, Trowbridge

Production team

Anna Mazan – Director / Choreographer

Julian Clementson – Musical Director


Aunt Eller Lorraine Ferguson
Laurey Frankie Lewis
Ado Annie Connie Knight
Gertie Cummins Lottie Diddams
Curly Russell Syrett
Jud Fry Gary Robson
Will Parker Ben Jenkins
Ali Hakim Andrew Curtis
Andrew Carnes Robin Jukes
Ellen Daisy Woodruffe
Kate Sarah Daives
Vivian Georgina Isaac
Virginia Georgia Hills
Sylvie Claire Warren
Ike Skidmore Paul West
Fred Ed Beazley
Cord Elam Mike Holden
Slim Mike Adams
Joe Bruce Thompson

Jud’s postcard girls:
Sarah Brewer, Frances Brown, Carisma Dolphin, Chloë Johnson, Amanda Sterkenburg, Ruby Wenham

Kansas City tappers:
Sarah Brewer, Frances Brown, Freya Collins, Amelia Davies, Sarah Davies, Carisma Dolphin, Chloë Johnson, Maria Matthews, Amanda Sterkenburg, Janet Thompson, Wendy Wenham, Daisy Woodruffe

Dream Ballet dancers:
Freya Collins, Amelia Davies, Georgia Hills

Ladies’ ensemble:
Sarah Brewer, Frances Brown, Becky Holden, Chloë Johnson, Maria Matthews, Rachel Potter, Amanda Sterkenburg, Janet Thompson, Ruby Wenham, Wendy Wenham

Men’s ensemble:
Pete Grant, Pete Tapp

Youth ensemble:
Demi Amor, Jack Boyland, Freya Collins, Amelia Davies, Carisma Dolphin, Toby Flenley, Gracie Groves, Georgia Hills, Charlotte Morris, Harry Parker


Flute, Piccolo Tim Fosker
Clarinet David Shepard
Trumpet Chris Saunders
Percussion Tony Stockley
Piano / Conductor Julian Clementson
Violins Dominic Irving, Helen Heaton
Viola Tony James
Violoncello Theresa Cole
Contrabass Nigel Shires
Director / Choreographer Anna Mazan
Musical Director Julian Clementson
Dance Captain Wendy Wenham
Rehearsal Pianists Tony James, Julian Clementson, Lou Knight
Stage Manager Ollie Phipps of SO! Stage Illusions
Deputy Stage Manager Emma Edwards
Backstage Crew Nicky Runyeard-Hunt, Conner Runyeard-Hunt
Show Co-ordinators Maria Matthews, Lou Knight
Wardrobe Sandra Tucker, Joan Baggs, Karen Grant, Pat Burtenshaw
Hired costumes ACE Theatrical Costumiers, Bath Theatrical Costumiers
Set design and construction John Burtenshaw, Richard Rawlings, Jay Knight, Pete Grant
Scenery artwork Bernice Hudson, Janet Thompson, Zack Mazan, Maria Matthews, Claire Borovac
Properties Bernice Hudson, Janet Thompson, John Dennaford, members and friends of the society
Fight Choreography Amanda Sterkenburg
Hair and Make-up Sarah Davies
Lighting Tony Giddings, Steve Riddle, John Hudson
Sound Martyn Johnson
Prompt Lyn Taylor
Poster design John Dennaford, Anna Mazan
Programme Claire Borovac, photos by Clive James
Publicity Videographer Len Robinson
Raffle Janet Cooper
Website Andrew Curtis, Claire Borovac

TAOS Musical Theatre would like to acknowledge with thanks:

  • the staff and volunteers of The Arc Theatre, Trowbridge
  • the staff and volunteers of Trowbridge Town Hall
  • Trowbridge Players
  • Phil Courage
  • TJ Self Drive
  • The Farmhouse Inn, Southwick

We are especially grateful to all the parent helpers we have had at rehearsals and back stage – we cannot do youth shows without your support. Also thanks to everybody who helped with set, props, publicity, front of house and everything needed to put on a show.

